Predictive Index

How Do You Do Your Best Work?

Grow as a leader, hire better, and inspire high-performing teams beginning with a simple understanding for who you are at work.

Take the PI Behavioral Assessment

Get a deeper understanding of your strengths and caution areas in 6 minutes!

This is your first step towards a talent optimization platform.

Hire (1)

Finding the perfect match. Every time.

Countless companies rely on PI to consistently identify the ideal candidates for their teams. Time and time again, PI proves its unrivaled ability to select the best hires.

Design-5 (1)

Build high-performing, cohesive teams.

Join the multitude of professionals utilizing PI Design software to cultivate extraordinary teams within their organizations, regardless of the challenges they may face.


Create an exceptional workplace.

Once you have assembled a talented team, it is crucial to monitor employee engagement closely in order to proactively address any potential issues.


Create teams that deliver exceptional outcomes.

Managers, discover your ultimate tool for cultivating and motivating teams of exceptional individuals who consistently achieve outstanding results.

Take the Assessment
Ready to Talk About Your Results?

Let's talk about your Predictive Index results and what they mean for you.

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